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Turning It Up at Assembly 2022

Coming from 24 countries and all 50 states, more than 3,000 gathered in Orlando, Florida and online for United Women in Faith’s Assembly 2022, held May 20-22 at the Orange County Convention Center. Among the thousands were about 50 from Minnesota.


Ubuntu Day of Service


Three hundred women, including several from Minnesota, came to Assembly a day early to participate in an Ubuntu Day of Service, volunteer work supporting outreach organizations in Florida, site of this year’s Assembly event.


The day was sponsored by the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries. Participants put together meal, hygiene, and community garden packets to benefit three organizations: Rise Against Hunger, My Neighbor’s Children, and Cornerstone Family Ministries.

“Ubuntu is the being of mission,” said United Women in Faith’s Michelle Clemons, co-organizer of the event along with Zelda Jones. “It focuses on relationships, shared experience, and mutuality. Having a positive impact on someone else’s life reminds us of the value we bring and gives our lives purpose.”


Assembly Keynote speakers


Heather McTeer Toney, lawyer and environmentalist, spoke about the urgency and joy of caring for creation. “When people tell us it’s too big, that environmental justice is too hard, that climate crisis is just too massive, our response should be: ‘But you don’t know my faith because nothing is too hard for God.’”

Rev. Sung Yeon Choimorrow
, executive director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, spoke about the rampant racial discrimination and injustice toward Asian American women and girls and challenged attendees to show love for neighbors in ways that are bold and inconvenient in order to change the trajectory of racism.

Turning Up for Joyful Praise


Worship was a sacred time for inspiring scripture and joyful praise. MN Deaconess and PAG member Kim Harris (left) caught the joyful Spirit.


Grace Hubbard (below center) was music director for the gathering and with Maria Sottile (below left) and Makeda McCreary (below right) led the singing at Assembly.

Photos by Mike DuBose, UM News

Members of Nimbus Dance (right) praised with movement.                          Assembly attendees caught the joy (below) and danced in the aisles. Can you spot a bishop or two behind those masks?

Photos by Paul Jeffrey

Turning It Up for Children


Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News

Children from the Rosa Valdez Early Learning Center at Cornerstone Family Center in Orlando, Florida, sang and danced, bringing their own youthful joy and energy into the Assembly gathering. 

Photo by Brenda Blair                                    Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News


Photo by Paul Jeffrey for United Women in Faith


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