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Membership Nurture and Outreach Report

Local Unit Survey, Staying Active, National Membership, Going Inactive

By Catherine Williams

Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator


 The 2021 Unit Survey (click here) is open until August 30. It takes about 10 minutes to complete. Be sure to submit it by the deadline. You will get a thank you page to show it has been received.


Local Units: Backbone of United Women in Faith!

With all the changes, many of you may feel “out in left field” having very little contact with leadership in your District or Minnesota Conference of United Women in Faith.


How can District, Conference, National leadership help you?

Units can stay active with one contact person (usually the President) and a treasurer. You can choose where your UWFaith money is given, designating it to a UWFaith mission such as Emma Norton Services or to local community missions you give to under United Women in Faith.

To revitalize your unit, start building relationships with others in your church and/or neighboring churches. Discover SOUL Care retreats at to create a transformative event for the women of all ages around you. Invite youth to a “happening” you plan for them to create interest in mission. On the District level, we have to revitalize our liaison (former Shepherding) programs.


What can we (District/Conference) do for you?

If your local is thinking of going inactive, members can sign up with other neighboring locals. They can also become part of National’s “All Access Membership” on the UWFaith website at: If you are a new member you can go to to sign up.


Local units going inactive

In the United Methodist Book of Discipline, United Women in Faith (United Methodist Women) is listed as a part of each United Methodist church. The unit cannot disband; it only goes inactive. If you are considering going inactive, your leader of the local needs to:

  • Contact the pastor, District President, and Membership Nurture, and Outreach Coordinator to report the decision and request assistance.
  • Schedule a meeting with the District President and/or Membership Nurture, and Outreach Coordinator to see what can be done to help. 
  • The local unit president completes the Final Unit Membership Report.
  • The Unit Treasurer contacts the District Treasurer and completes the Financial Reports.
The UWFaith funds are distributed as designated by the donors. Remaining funds are sent to the District Treasurer with a remittance form reviewing the giving for the last four years and telling the District Treasurer how to use the funds. An audit is performed and report given to the District Treasurer.

For assistance, contact Catherine Williams (Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator) by email or call 507-301-5865 to leave a message.


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