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Home & Healing

 Campaign for Emma Norton’s Restoring Waters


Restoring Waters is Emma Norton Service’s new development at Highland Bridge. Their $3M campaign to fund the development is an opportunity for you to act boldly for justice and equity to help ENS better serve women and families.

ENS, a UWFaith National Mission, has served women and families for more than 100 years, providing safe and affordable housing which is still sorely lacking in our community.

Most of the women ENS serves are affected by mental illness, struggle with chemical health issues, or have a dual diagnosis or other disability.

Most have backgrounds of intergenerational poverty and homelessness, and many are dealing with the effects of systemic racism. They face numerous barriers to stability and independence.

Restoring Waters will provide safe and affordable housing with trauma-informed supportive services for healing, recovering, and truly transforming lives.

For more information about how you can invest in this bold vision of hope and healing, contact Melinda Khort, TC District UWFaith President, or ShawnaNelsen-Wills, ENS Advancement Director, or phone Shawna at 651-251-2632.


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