At MN UWFaith’s Fall Meeting, members can vote on three important items. Please read the information carefully as you decide how to cast your vote on the 2023 Budget 2023 Slate of Elected Officers 2023 Changes to the Standing Rules Budget Proposal for 2023
Annual Meeting, Leadership Development Join us on October 1st at First UMC in Waseca for our Fall Gathering as we learn from Guest Speaker Nancy Beaulieu why we are all treaty people and why protecting treaties and Indigenous ways is sacred and fundamental to protecting our environment. We will also have our Annual Meeting to vote on the 2023 Officers, Budget, Standing Rules changes, and other business. The Gathering begins at 9 am with lunch at noon and afternoon sessions from 1 pm until 2:30. Click here to register for Annual Gathering by September 15. LDR Leadership Development Retreat for Conference and District officers and for coordinators starts at 3 pm to 8:30 pm and continues the following day 9:30-2 pm. Click here to register for LDR by September 21.